From the PGA
The PGA WORKS Fellowship May Be the Perfect Job for You
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The PGA WORKS Fellowship might be the best entry level golf opportunity that you’ve never heard of.
Beginning in 2017 with two original Fellows, thirteen PGA Section Offices all over the country now hire one fellow each year. WORKS Fellows are provided the opportunity for a one-year, paid immersion in a PGA Section’s Foundation operations, and the experience offers a taste of what a career in the golf industry can provide.
We recently caught up with two Fellows, Tasita Garcia and Natalie Long, who both detailed their experience on the job and how it’s set them up for future success.
Tasita Garcia is the PGA WORKS Fellow in the Middle Atlantic PGA of America Section. A graduate of Jackson State University, her career goal is to reach the Chief level in the golf industry. From there, she can accomplish her main career and personal goal as a lifelonggolfer, creating a golf industry that is inclusive of all and mirrors America.
“Golf has always been an industry I wanted to work in, but I lacked the access and know how,” said Garcia. “Through the fellowship I've been able to network and meet leaders in positions I aspire to work in one day, such as PGA CEO Seth Waugh and Chief People Officer Sandy Cross.”
Natalie Long is a former PGA WORKS Fellow in the Gateway PGA of America Section. A Graduate of Lindenwood University, she is one of many Fellows to accept a full-time role within the Section she completed her fellowship with. Natalie now serves as the Junior Golf Coordinator for the Gateway Section, and is on her way to acquiring PGA Membership as well.
“The Fellowship is more than just a cool job in golf,” added Long. “It’s an opportunity to step into a role, learn all about what the golf industry has to offer, and impact the lives of diverse individuals in your home section at the same time. Once you are a part of the Fellowship you become a part of a family, the PGA WORKS family.”
Interested in becoming a PGA WORKS Fellow? Learn More and apply today:, and follow @PGAWORKS on social media.