5 reasons to go golfing on Christmas Day

For many, Christmas brings about a host of long-held family traditions, from when to open presents, what Christmas movies to watch or what is served at dinner. For others, it offers a great opportunity to get out of the house and head to somewhere warmer and enjoy family experiences on vacation.
One way to spend Christmas Day is on the golf course. Here are a few reasons why we think Christmas on the course is a fantastic idea:
It's warm enough in December to golf
As someone who has spent a majority of his life in the northern climates, December golf is about as rare as getting in a 3 hour round on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. The fact that you find yourself on Christmas Day with the opportunity to golf should not be taken lightly. Seize the moment and find a course that's open.
There's nobody around
Don't you just hate it when someone is pushing you along on the course? Or someone ahead of you is playing super slow and won't let you pass? Well, the golf gods look down upon the world and present a golf course without many other people on it. A course that can be played at a relaxing pace and still be finished in under 4 hours.
Treat yo' self
You just spent the two days before Christmas fighting through the mall traffic and hoards of other like-minded procrastinators scrambling to find last-minute gifts for everyone on your list. It can be stressful and leave you in a not-so-jolly mood. By sneaking in a quick nine before dinner, you'll come home refreshed and ready for a delicious feast.
Family bonding time
Once the presents are opened and everyone retreats to their corner to play their new video game or read the instructions on their new toy only to find out it needs AAA batteries and of course you only have a stash of AA batteries, family bonding time can come to a screeching halt. What better way to keep the magic of Christmas going with the family than eliminate all those distractions and spend a couple hours together laughing and making memories on the course.
Test out the awesome golf presents you got
This one is of course the best and most fun reason. You've opened your gifts and unveiled a new set of irons, or a brand new range finder. And then the itch sets in. Now the only thing you will be dreaming about the rest of the day is what a draw will look like with that new 8 iron, or the laser-precision you will have now that you know to grab the 88 yard club instead of the 100 yard-ish club. Make the dream a reality and take a family member or three out on the course.