Get Golf Ready Gets You on Course

Fall is the season that offers significant change for many. The kids return to school, daylight hours are shorter and the weather starts to cool down.
But what changes does the Fall bring to you? How about making the commitment to sign up for a Get Golf Ready class and learn the sport for a lifetime?
Get Golf Ready classes are offered all across the country and by registering for a branded session, you know that the instruction you’ll be getting will be taught by a PGA or LPGA Professional and will cover all the important components necessary to start playing the game right away!
What makes Get Golf Ready so special? Each class offers an educational skill that includes putting, chipping, iron play and metal woods. Along with the instructional component of each class, the learned skills are than simultaneously applied out on to the golf course. Getting out and comfortable on the golf course from day 1 makes Get Golf Ready even more special. Get Golf Ready is also very affordable with classes beginning at $99 for a series of five lessons.
So as you think about starting the game, keep this in mind: we all want to learn about golf but more importantly, we all want to PLAY golf. With the on-course component of Get Golf Ready, you will be able to take those instructional skills out to the golf course and actually enjoy the game straight away! And playing on the course is what it is all about.
Fall is a season of change, so make a change yourself and sign-up for a Get Golf Ready ready class today.