Tips on how to watch professional golf events

One of the most exciting places to be in sports is at a professional golf event on Sunday afternoon. The roars of the huge crowds, bursting with excitement as they root for their favorite player can be heard from all over the course. Or the quiet moments while a player sizes up a crucial putt that could win the tournament, all contribute to an energy that is generated in few other sporting venues.
The atmosphere of big time golf! There is no better place to spend your day, get some exercise, and watch the world’s best players tee it up. Here are some tips to make it fun:
One of the best places to go at a professional event is the driving range. There are usually grandstands where you can sit and watch your favorite players work on their games. The driving range is a good place to study the mechanics of a great golf swing. All the players out there have worked countless hours on their games to perfect their motion. Aspiring juniors can learn a lot about the golf swing at the range.
The driving range is also a great place to see what new equipment is available. Tour pros always have the latest in golf equipment. Many tour events have hospitality areas where sponsors and manufacturers display their products directly to the public.
Another interesting spot to visit is the practice chipping and putting greens. Learn how to play all kinds of shots from the sand by watching the pros do it. You can also see how creative they get in different kinds of chipping situations. Watch how meticulous they are in their putting practice, trying to achieve perfection.
RELATED: How to get (and keep) your kids interested in golf this summer
Practice areas are also a great place to get an autograph from your favorite players. After they play and practice is generally the best time to ask for an autograph. Bring along a visor or program, a pen for them to use and it’s free!
Another good strategy to see a lot of action is to select a “strategic” spot to stay around out on the course itself. Choose an area where a green, tee and another fairway meet so that you can watch the pros play all different kinds of shots, from booming drives to delicate chips.
Following a particular group from hole to hole is one more way to enjoy the golf. You can learn a lot about how to play in certain situations. Practice rounds, Thursdays and Fridays are generally the best time to try to follow a group because the crowds are smaller.
There is always plenty of good food to eat at a professional event, so plan on spending a day to enjoy the fun and excitement of a big time tour event.
It’s the best classroom in the world!
Be very quiet when a player is getting ready to hit a shot.
Don’t walk or move when the players are standing over their ball.
Always stay behind the ropes.
Don’t leave any trash or litter on the golf course.
Wait until after the player finishes his/her round before asking for autographs.
Wait until all the players finish the hole you are watching before moving to the next hole.
Cameras are not allowed at most events
Be sure your ticket or pass is visible.
Be sure you bring sun protection, so not to burn
Drink plenty of liquids