The story behind that amazing goose vs. golfer photo
By T.J. Auclair
Published on

It's a classic case of being in the right place at the right time.
Over the weekend, there was a high school golf tournament going on -- the Madison Tournament -- at Wolf Creek Golf Course in Adrian, Mich.
Devon Pitts was on the course with her husband, an assistant coach for Blissfield High. Pitts' stepson plays on the Blissfield team and she likes to shoot photos of the matches.
"I take photos for recreation," Pitts told in an email exchange on Monday night. "I give the photos to the school for the yearbook. For eight years I've been shooting photos as a hobby."
But what she captured on Saturday near the seventh tee box at Wolf Creek is like nothing you've seen before.
Steve Babbitt, Director of Athletics for Blissfield, told what exactly happened:
"A group just finished teeing off on hole No. 7 and were walking down the fairway," Babbitt said. "They were aware of a goose nest on their left which they were looking at but not bothering. Isaac Couling -- a golfer from Concord High School -- was just walking with his bag, when up from behind them and to the right came a guard goose protecting the nest."
While Couling understandably flinched, Pitts didn't.
She snapped an incredible series of photos that went viral after @BlissfieldAthletics tweeted them out on Sunday:
We should tell you that Couling was just fine. There were no injuries, but a lot of laughs.
"I'm not going to lie," Pitts said. "I was laughing quite hard after the attack was over. Isaac spoke with me after the match. I showed him the pictures and we just laughed."
So how was it that Pitts was there when this unfolded? Well, it hasn't exactly been the warmest spring in Michigan.
"We were just heading back to the clubhouse to get a coffee and hot chocolate," she said.
So not to interrupt the group teeing off, they just waited.
Pitts is blown away by how her photos have taken off on social media, but part of her wishes it had been for a different reason.
"This is unbelievable the attention this is getting," she said. "I wish Issac had hit a hole-in-one instead."
We also reached out to Couling, but haven't heard back just yet.
But, according to the Detroit News, he parred the hole and had this to say about the incident:
"Yeah, but no one came to help," Couling, who said he ran and dived three times before shooing the goose away with his foot, told The News on Monday night, with a laugh. "All the coaches saw it from the clubhouse. You could see it from there."It's pretty crazy. All my friends were talking about it."
Here's a closer look at the amazing photos that Pitts shared with