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Helping players achieve their goals.
Getting Started
Learn the basics
Avoid embarrassment on the first tee
Get comfortable for business golf
Having More Fun
Connect with golfers of similar age
Connect with golfers of similar skill
Have more fun on the course
Improving Your Game
Break 100
Break 80
Improve your Short Game
Make the high school golf team
Get swing diagnostic testing
Break 90
Add 10 yards
Prepare for Tournament Golf
Earn a college golf scholarship
Coaching Services
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Playing with disabilities
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The Haven Country Club
Boylston MA

The Haven is our warm and friendly, down to earth hospitality. Longtime members, new members and guests all agree: The Haven offers a warmly welcoming atmosphere and membership they can’t find at other area clubs. Golf partners, new friendships and expanded social circles happen every day at The Haven. The Haven golf course is widely considered to be the most enjoyable home golf course to play in the region. Varying elevation, small greens and intimate tree lined fairways lend the course its uniquely gratifying character. While suitable and enjoyable for beginning golfers, The Haven features four sets of tees and is a true championship golf course serving as annual venue of the New England PGA Pro-Pro Championship.
369 Cross St, Boylston, MA 01505-1421