Coach Portrait

Noah Q. Bisel


PGA Crest

Lenexa, KS
Loch Lloyd Country Club, Village of Loch Lloy, MO

About Noah

Hi! My name is Noah Bisel and I am a young Golf Professional in the KC area. My journey into golf happened later than most of my peers as I started playing golf at 18 years old. Because of my start as an adult, I have had several of the same struggles as my students. I developed the same habits early on and have had to put the time and effort into my game to get to where it is now. For me, and I’m sure for you, golf is a work in progress and I would love to come alongside you to help you meet your goals!


Contact Coach Noah

Your Information
What can Noah help you with?

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Noah's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Getting Started

Learn the basics

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Get comfortable for business golf

Having More Fun

Connect with golfers of similar age

Have more fun on the course

Connect with golfers of similar skill

Improving Your Game

Break 100

Break 90

Break 80

Add 10 yards

Improve your Short Game

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type







Session Type



Noah's Facilities

Loch Lloyd Country Club

Village of Loch Lloy MO

*Coaching available to public

16750 S Country Club Dr, Village of Loch Lloy, MO 64012-4124

Lenexa KS

*Coaching available to public

11209 Strang Line Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215

Begin Your Journey

Work with Noah