Coach Portrait

Quinn Griffing, PGA

Owner and Director of Instruction
PGA Crest

Fort Wayne, IN
Apex Golf Lab, Fort Wayne, IN

About Quinn

I am the founding owner and Director of Instruction at Apex Golf Lab and have been a PGA member for 31 years. Teaching & learning new techniques for golfers of all skill levels is a true passion of mine, but golf is more complicated than swing techniques. Which is why player development is one of the key areas I focus on in training a golfer. Not only in what their swing looks like, but in what they're eating, physical training, and mental training. Recently I've launched a new podcast with the other Apex instructors that addresses the mental preparation needed in golf: Apex Golf IQ.




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Quinn in Action

Recent Photos

Quinn in Action

Recent Photos


I had been a 12–15 handicap for years. By working with Apex and the most advanced training technology available, I've completely redesigned my swing and overall game. I've lowered my handicap to a 6, and enjoy playing golf at a high level.

Jason Glassley


Apex is a world-class golf facility, with incredible technology and some of the best teachers in the entire state. I’ve been working with Quinn for years, and my golf game has improved tremendously...

Ellis Yoder

Quinn's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Having More Fun

Connect with golfers of similar skill

Connect with golfers of similar age

Have more fun on the course

Getting Started

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Learn the basics

Get comfortable for business golf

Improving Your Game

Break 100

Break 80

Break 90

Add 10 yards

Prepare for Tournament Golf

Earn a college golf scholarship

Improve your Short Game

Make the high school golf team

Get swing diagnostic testing

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type







Playing with disabilities

Session Type


Quinn's Facilities

Apex Golf Lab

Fort Wayne IN


Apex Golf Lab offers tailored training and instruction, using data and advanced technology. With a wide array of offerings, our professional chart a clear path to your golf goals, eliminating the mystique and guesswork that has plagued golf instruction for years.

*Coaching available to public

1701 Freeman St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802-4713

Begin Your Journey

Work with Quinn