Coach Portrait

Tirrel A Baymon

Director of Instruction
PGA Crest

Houston, TX
Cypresswood Golf Club, Spring, TX

About Tirrel

Tirrel Baymon is an accomplished golfer from Trevor Brown High School and played collegiate golf at Florida A&M on a full scholarship. Tirrel directs all of our golf instruction and has been a Golf Professional at Cypresswood Golf Club since 2010. Working wth the First Tee out of college, Tirrel has conducted junior clinics with KJ Choi and Stewart Cink, a career highlight of his was receiving instruction from Tiger Woods.






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Tirrel in Action

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Tirrel in Action

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As parents of a passionate junior, the programs instruction has produced consistent improvement, which become manifest as our son participates in STPGA and US Kids golf tournaments!

Gregory Fairbanks


Tirrel Baymon is by far one of the best golf instructors I have taken lessons from. His teaching methodology is focused more on educating you about what you are doing as opposed to having you swing like a robot.

Allen Baytes


In the last tournament I played in -the midam qualifier, I shot a 75. I never would have had the confidence to play at such a level without his help.

Denny Giles
Tirrel's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Getting Started

Learn the basics

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Get comfortable for business golf

Having More Fun

Connect with golfers of similar age

Have more fun on the course

Connect with golfers of similar skill

Improving Your Game

Break 100

Break 90

Break 80

Add 10 yards

Improve your Short Game

Prepare for Tournament Golf

Make the high school golf team

Earn a college golf scholarship

Get swing diagnostic testing

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type







Playing with disabilities

Session Type



Tirrel's Facilities

Cypresswood Golf Club

Spring TX

*Coaching available to public

21602 Cypresswood Dr, Spring, TX 77373-8700

Begin Your Journey

Work with Tirrel