A "Golf-Moon" in Paradise
By Abby Parsons, PGA
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Recently married couple, Paul and Lauren, returned from their dream honeymoon in Ireland where they were basking in their newlywed life for two weeks. The two came back to the United States with 8 days of golf under their belts, and a lot of memories.
Paul and Lauren currently live in Chicago where he is a lawyer and she is a pilates instructor.

“I have been playing since the early 90’s, but more consistently the last few years,” Paul said.
Lauren on the other hand is kicking herself for not taking up the game sooner.
“I was missing out on golf for such a long time. I would sit and wait for Paul to be done golfing for hours, and finally I said to myself ‘I should be out there golfing, not waiting,’” Lauren said.

The couple is now to the point where they practice or play at least 4 days a week, so when it came time to find activities to do for their honeymoon, it was a no-brainer.
The newlyweds created a “Honeymoon Registry” for their wedding guests where they listed all of the courses they planned to play in Ireland, along with all of the hotel spots needed for the trip and dinners they hoped to attend. Their wedding guests picked what activity to help pay for, and in the end most of their trip was covered.

“Golf can be expensive,” Lauren said, “So when most of our rounds were covered before we even took off for Ireland, we were super grateful.”
“It made the trip and getting wedding gifts a whole lot easier,” Paul said, “We are both a little bit older, so neither of us needed 50 new platters or kitchen knives.”
The two played incredible courses like The Island, Corvallis, The Dukes, Portmarnock, and Old Head during their time in Ireland, and it was hard for them to put a finger on the best part.

“The caddies really made the trip,” Lauren said “They really taught us how the fabric of the golf courses in Ireland are interlaced with the communities. Everyone is involved.”
“We got to see a lot and experience a lot by making it a golf honeymoon,” Paul said, “After every round there was anticipation for going to a new place and golf course next.”

The couple has learned a lot about the game and themselves by playing golf together. “Golf teaches life lessons, you see the patience each other has and it is a great reflection to experience together,” Lauren said.
The two shared that they can read each other a lot better now because of golf. They can tell when one needs their space on the golf course, or if they need a cheerleader.

“I would recommend a Golf-Moon to anyone,” Paul said, “We got to experience so much while doing something that we both love. We will never forget it.”