From the PGA

Dear Golf: A Thank You to the Game

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Dear Golf,
Thank you.
Thank you for the unforgettable shots. Thank you for the lessons. Thank you for helping us get outside. Thank you for the fantastic memories with friends. Most of all, thank you for being you, the most amazing game. 
During the Thanksgiving season it's nice to take a step back and acknowledge all of the things we have to be grateful for. This is especially true with how difficult the last couple years have been. Most people's lists range from loved ones, to job security, shelter and happiness. But everyone's list is different.
One thing we are most thankful for is you, golf, and all the incredible people that participate. You give & you take. You teach so many vital lessons from physical technique to mental acuity. You're a mental test that can be absolute blast at the same time.
No matter how many putts we miss or shots we leave in the bunker, we keep coming back to you for the miraculous saves from the rough, the hero shots on par 5s and those unbelievable drained putts with everything on the line.
Much like life, you're a game of constant tests, obstacles and challenges. At the same time, you're a game of meaningful relationships, personal achievement and relentless ambition. Not everyone can be Tiger Woods, but everyone can create the same level of joy that the game sparks.
The continuous efforts of thousands in the industry are what keeps you growing. So we’ll be sure to also show gratitude to the golf course staff, PGA Coaches, the greenskeepers and all those who make the game so special.
Ultimately, we are thankful to you, the game we all love, for being what it you are. For the relationships you inspire, for the competition you breed and the joy you've brought to thousands over the last several hundred years.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
The Golfers