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How to Evaluate Your 2021 Golf Season

By Leighton Smith, PGA
Published on

One of the best things about golf is that your next round could be your best one yet. This next season could be “the one” where you finally reach your potential. Here are three things to think through as you evaluate this past season and perhaps dream about what you're capable of improving upon in 2022.
1. If you took the fear of failing off the table, how would that affect your dreams for this next season?
In golf, and life, it is scary to dream big.
When we tell people we want to break 80, break par or get that big promotion at work, it feels like there is this big expectation for us to live up to. Fear has the intense ability to drive our decisions and our dreams. Some of it is healthy and some of it restricts us from reaching our full potential.
The only person who knows how good you could ACTUALLY be at golf is you. Next time you find yourself with 5 free minutes, dream big and think about how good you could actually be.
2. In order to craft a plan for an epic golf season in 2022, you need to know where you are now.
It’s easier than ever to open up a navigation app when we get lost. We just plug in our destination and follow the steps back to what’s familiar. And we all know when we are low on service, sometimes the GPS can’t even track us. It just loads and all we can do is trust our gut until the map can load.
Let’s use this same idea with our golf game.
Where are you now?
Frequency of practice?
Frequency of play
Lessons and coaching?
Now, where do you want to be? Use these same areas to help you dream. And don’t hold back.
3. If you’re going talk the talk, then you're going walk the walk.
This means taking action. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. STOP! Don’t fall in the trap of “wanting” to be better.
Embrace the fear and start to build weekly goals. You’re going to have to be realistic with your time, finances and your real intention. Don’t assume a 4-pack of lessons will change your life. It won’t.
Find a PGA coach or friend who can lay out a plan and help hold you accountable.
Now is the time to make 2022 your best season yet.

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