Kids and Juniors
How to Have Fun with Dad…Today!
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Don’t you just hate it when your Dad corrects your manners…gets on your case for eating too much candy…or nags you for watching too many TV shows?
Now, here’s your chance to get even—and you’ll both have fun in the process—on the golf course! That’s because you can always have a fair competition in golf. And there’s nothing like beating your Dad at something that gives you both a big smile. It could be putting contests or a full game of golf. The point is you’re hanging out with Dad and creating memories for a lifetime.
Now, here’s your chance to get even—and you’ll both have fun in the process—on the golf course! That’s because you can always have a fair competition in golf. And there’s nothing like beating your Dad at something that gives you both a big smile. It could be putting contests or a full game of golf. The point is you’re hanging out with Dad and creating memories for a lifetime.
No couch potato syndrome here!
So, what if you want to play with your Dad, but on the same team? Well, how about creating your own mini-PGA Junior League Golf match, taking on a friend and their Dad? It’s a lot of fun to play together, using a nine-hole “scramble” format, where everyone hits their team’s best shot each time. If you hit a bad shot, it’s no big deal. That’s because your Dad can help you out on his turn! And what could be sweeter than after seeing your Dad hit one in the pond, you step up and save the team with a great shot of your own?
It’s a wonderful way to bond with “Dear ol’ Dad”! Plus, you’ll get to tell that story a million times!
It’s a wonderful way to bond with “Dear ol’ Dad”! Plus, you’ll get to tell that story a million times!