Course Spotlight
PGA Frisco: By the Numbers
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Matt Hahn
PGA Frisco is scheduled to open in the summer of 2022 and will feature the best the golf world has to offer in player development and education for PGA Golf Professionals, as well as play on both recreational and championship courses, alongside a magnificent Omni resort and interactive consumer golf experience.
Check out some of the most compelling numbers below to learn just what goes into the construction of a world-class facility.
Putting Surfaces
- East Course — Approximately 2.5 Acres of putting greens. The average size is 6,050 sq. ft. The largest is #16 at 8,900 sq. ft and the smallest is #11 at 3,700 sq. ft.
- West Course — Approximately 3 Acres of putting greens. The average size 7,260 sq. ft. Largest is #3 at 9,400 sq. ft. and the smallest is #17 at 3,800 sq. ft.
Acres of Maintained Turf for Fairways and Roughs
- East Course — Planned for 80 acres trending toward 62 acres with no primary rough
- West Course — Planned for 84 Acres trending to this number.
- 200 Acres of natives — Four different blends for East Course including a wildflower mix with the West Course having two different blends (primarily buffalo and bluestem).
Square Footage of Bunkers
- East Course — 3.2 Acres, approximately 140,000 sq. ft.
- West Course — 2.5 Acres, approximately 109,000 sq. ft.
Created Wetlands
- 50 acres total with the East course utilizing 34 acres and the West course having 16.
Cubic Yards and Tons of Sand Capping Material
- The site required the mass excavation of approximately 1.6 million cubic yards of earth (2.4 million tons). This is the equivalent of approximately 134,000 12-yard dump trucks. How many is that? If you parked them end-to-end the would stretch from Frisco to almost New Orleans.
- The East and West courses required approximately 135,000 cubic yards (200K tons) of sand capping for in play areas. Greens required 30K tons of greens mix. Bunkers totaled 7,000 tons of blended sand.