quick coaching
Recreating Minjee Lee's Solid Setup Will Bring Super Results
By Keith Stewart, PGA
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Minjee Lee of Australia hits her shot on the 2nd tee during the second round of the Cognizant Founders Cup.
For two straights days, I have walked the fairways of Upper Montclair Country Club watching the best women in the world compete in the LPGA Cognizant Founders Cup. As a PGA Coach covering the action on tour, I am routinely amazed by the consistency professional golfers exhibit in their setup.
I have given countless hours of posture and alignment lessons throughout my career. Watching the 36-hole leader Minjee Lee setup perfectly over two days reinforces my coaching commitment to the fundamentals.
As you work your way through that video, it’s remarkable how efficient Minjee can be round after round. Amateurs everywhere think they can’t swing like touring professionals. Due to mobility constraints and technique that may be true, but everyone can copy their setup. To keep this article organized, I’m going to point out Lee’s setup secrets from the ground up.
- Notice Minjee’s feet. They looked extremely balanced. We don’t see her weight leaning toward her heels or toes. The width of her stance also ensures she can pivot (turn) and her balance will remain on point. Next time you setup test your feet. Make sure you feel centered in all directions: heel to toe and laterally.
- The flex in your knees should be the same whether you are chipping or committing to a full swing. If we continue to change the height of our frame through our legs, it becomes very difficult to repeat a great impact position. Place a little knee flex in there and leave it no matter what the shot might be.
- The hips and pelvis should be slightly tilted. Too many times, I see golfers with very acute hip angles at address. Don’t stick out your backside. If anything, it should feel slightly tucked under just like Lee. You’ll know if you’re doing it correctly because your lower back will feel relaxed.
- Everyone’s arms should look as if they just hang under their shoulders. Each swing by the tournament leader Lee is picture perfect. As you get into your address position and bend over, let your arms just hang down. Do this without a golf club. If you can get in front of mirror to see the exact position your arms in are in it can be very helpful. Placing your arms in this position is crucial to swinging freely and maintaining proper balance. If there was one fundamental position to practice, this is the one! In fact, your arms should return to a similar hanging position as you swing through impact. If they track toward your body or start reaching, they will produce inconsistent impact.
- Don’t tuck your chin. Amateurs love to find ways to restrict their movement. Notice how Minjee’s head is not tucked against her body or lifted. The profile of her chin matches her beltline. By keeping her head and neck relaxed, it allows her to pivot and swing properly.
There’s more than one swing in that video. As you continue to watch Minjee hit great shot after great shot you can really start to see why she is a world class player. In two rounds, she has one eagle and sixteen birdies. Take this summary and place it in your golf journal. Keep it close, chances are when something starts to go awry, a piece of this list is out of place.