Hot Takes

What Makes the Ultimate Golf Trip?

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Trey Profili / IG: @shotfromthedunes

There is nothing quite like a golf trip with your buddies.
Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or something a little bit longer, there are a lot of factors to consider when planning the ultimate golf trip.
So before you organize the troops and escape to reality for greener fairways to leave the stresses of your daily grind behind, check out what the PGA social media community had to say about the subject.
And if you're looking for some more insight on how to create an incredible golf trip without breaking the bank, we unearthed a great story from the PGA Magazine below.
Quinten Neeld wants it all...
"Good Golf, Good Company, Good Food/Drink, Good Views."
For Frank Petrusic, the camaraderie of the trip matter most...
"Courses are important, and they don't have to be the 5-star, top-shelf variety, so that's where the group and camaraderie really make a special trip."
Chris Bradley put the course at the top of the list...
"I'm a course snob, so that is the highlight of the trip. But the memories are always better when you're with the right folks.
Cindi Cronk on Instagram shared...
"Good friends, beautiful golf surroundings, great food."
Single Strap Society on Twitter thinks it is all about the friends you travel with...
"Nothing better than traveling with close friends. Could play any track in the world and have a great time."