Coach Portrait

Trevor Dudar, PGA

PGA Professional
PGA Crest

Oklahoma City, OK
Golf Galaxy - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK

About Trevor

Born and raised in the great state of Minnesota. Began in the golf industry in 2020, but started teaching & coaching since 2023. Played college baseball for Northwest Missouri State University but switched over to golf after graduating. I work for Golf Galaxy in OKC and do all my lessons there. We offered different prices for different age groups. Each lesson is about 35-40 minutes, covering any aspect of the golf game you wish to improve. From driving, iron play, chipping, putting, mental side, on course strategy and much more! We have Trackman as our data and launch monitor which offers great feedback to enhance your game. I personally do a 2-4 minute video analysis and send them to your email so you know exactly what we cover in that specific lesson. Whether you are a brand new golfer or a scratch handicap, come on in to Golf Galaxy for a lesson to improve your game! Go to to book your lesson.


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Trevor's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Getting Started

Learn the basics

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Having More Fun

Have more fun on the course

Improving Your Game

Break 100

Break 90

Break 80

Improve your Short Game

Make the high school golf team

Get swing diagnostic testing

Earn a college golf scholarship

Prepare for Tournament Golf

Add 10 yards

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type







Playing with disabilities

Session Type


Trevor's Facilities

Golf Galaxy - Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City OK

*Coaching available to public

2120 W Memorial Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73134-8014