Category - Amateur Programs
2023 PGA WORKS Collegiate Championship Registration Now Open
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PGA Works Collegiate Championship pin flag. (Photo by Montana Pritchard/PGA of America)
The PGA of America announced today that registration for the 2023 PGA WORKS Collegiate Championship (PWCC) is now open. The 2023 PWCC will be played May 8-10, at Shoal Creek Club and Bent Brook Golf Course in Birmingham, Ala.
Those interested in registering should visit HERE.
The deadline to register for the 2023 PWCC is Wednesday, March 22.

The PWCC, the most culturally significant championship in collegiate golf, annually hosts student-athletes enrolled in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and other Minority-Serving Educational Institutions.
“The PWCC showcases the immensely talented student-athletes at HBCUs, HSIs, and other Minority-Serving Institutions around the country,” said Scooter Clark, PWCC Director. “After having over 200 students and 68 schools compete in 2022, we are excited to host another competitive field in 2023. Alabama contains the most HBCUs and HBCCs in the country while the historic and transformative city of Birmingham is a tremendous location to host the PWCC as we continue to spotlight these student-athletes and promote diversity in golf.”
The PWCC was created in 1986 to highlight golf programs at the most underserved and underrepresented Minority-Serving Institutions on a national stage, and educate and inspire student-athletes to pursue career opportunities in the business of golf.

The Championship is a 54-hole, stroke-play event contested across five divisions including: Division I Men’s Team, Division II Men’s Team, Women’s Team Division, Men’s Individual Division, and Women’s Individual Division.
The individual competition is open to all minority women and men student-athletes playing collegiate golf at the Division I, Division II, Division III, NAIA and NJCAA level, or minority women and men enrolled in one of the PGA of America’s PGA Golf Management University Programs.

2022 PWCC Division I Medalist, Gregory Odom Jr. of Howard University poses with his trophy during the Awards Ceremony for the 2022 PGA Works Collegiate Championship at The Union League Liberty Hill on May 4, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Matt Hahn/PGA of America)
For more information on the 2023 PGA WORKS Collegiate Championship, visit