You Have 95 Chances — Can You Make a Hole-in-One From 95 Yards at PGA Frisco?
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(David Cannon/Getty Images)
It's time to channel your inner-Michael Block and make an ace of your own!
While you'll have a few more chances than Block did during his epic hole-in-one at the PGA Championship, what if you had 95?
That'll be the case if you win the win the Michelob ULTRA 95 From 95 Hole In One Sweepstakes, which you can enter before Sept. 15 here. The sweepstakes winner will receive an all-expenses paid trip to PGA Frisco in Frisco, Texas, to attempt a 95-yard shot . . . 95 times.
We're not kidding. And the prize if you sink it? Well, let's just say we'll need a Block party to celebrate.
Visit today to enter for your chance to win!