The Best Golf Advice for Beginners
By Ryan Adams, PGA
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Just starting the game? Not to worry.
The great part about golf is there is an entire community of players that have played a lot of shots, tried a lot of tips and seen a lot of courses. In short, there's some experience you can lean into if you're a beginner and need some advice.
So we went to the online town square of social media and asked:
Learn how to properly grip the club and enjoy the people you get to spend time with, no matter how you are playing. If you are fun to be around and can keep up, you will always be welcomed by others.
-Chandler Withington, PGA on Instagram
Learn the fundamentals and enjoy the game, never let it get bigger than you.
-lombardigolf on Instagram
Learn to hit it as far as you can, and practice your short game, chipping, and putting, 80% of your total practice time. Learning to navigate around the greens will shave shots off your scorecard more than a pretty swing.
- proformance_sports_ on Instagram
Leave your ego in the carpark
Have fun! Grip and stance. Success/failure probability increases/decreases before the club moves. So get someone to teach or show you these basics.
Learn the game from the green to the tee. Putting, chipping, short game first. Too many try to hit full shots first, becoming frustrated and giving up.
- Mike Osterbur on Facebook
Be prepared to love it good or bad! Enjoy every moment, every view!!
- Bruce Warfield on Facebook
Sometimes your natural swing is better than a text book swing. Take a look at Jack Nicklaus, Lee Trevino and Arnold Palmer. 😊
-Gladys Alaniz Martinez on Facebook.