What to Wear: 3 of the Best Men's Golf Brands at the PGA Show
By Keith Stewart, PGA
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2UNDR at the 2022 PGA Show
Walking the apparel floor, it’s easy to notice the game has changed. Where we once saw seventy-five styles of sweater vests, fun fabrics and designs have replaced traditional navy blue. Don’t worry, navy blue isn’t really gone golf fans, but the trend is toward players dressing like golf is game rather than a business convention.
What to wear Wednesday was intended to introduce everyone to new items. Now the brand
2UNDR ( ) is no stranger to the PGA Show floor. Everyone
remembers in 2013 when the stormed the drawers of golfers from coast to coast. Their
innovative approach has expanded. That undeniable comfort we enjoy as a base layer can now be found in socks, t-shirts and golf shirts. “If it touches your skin, they make it.”
2UNDR ( ) is no stranger to the PGA Show floor. Everyone
remembers in 2013 when the stormed the drawers of golfers from coast to coast. Their
innovative approach has expanded. That undeniable comfort we enjoy as a base layer can now be found in socks, t-shirts and golf shirts. “If it touches your skin, they make it.”
2UNDR has always had a wild design style that was “hidden.” Now we can experience their flair in clear view. Guys you no longer have to be jealous of yoga pants, their lounge wear breaks through the comfort barrier. Though all these new clothes aren’t for the golf course, maybe they work for a trip to the driving range down the street? Time to visit your neighbor’s golf simulator, roll out in any of these base layer options and you’ll be super comfortable even if your game isn’t.
Breakfast Balls

Now don’t be surprised when you get to that neighbor’s house, and you see some more wild designs. Breakfast Balls ( started out as a short sleeve button down shirt with pop-culture themes. From Star Wars to The Big Lebowski they have succeeded in the crazy shirt business. Customers clamored for golf shirts and now they offer them. Golfers can make a birdie while looking like Fred Flintstone. It’s not just allowed; modern golfers encourage it. Golf is meant to be fun on all levels. Music, food/drinks, and fashion all add to the experience. Did we mention their company logo is a piece of bacon!
Player 2 - Drop Another

Ever notice when you miss a putt and drop another, Player 2 always makes the second one. It’s that’s universal moment in golf that inspired one more fun brand to debut at the 2022 PGA Show. Player 2 – Drop Another ( is an apparel approach leading with fun. Do they offer striped shirts in performance materials, well yes but the difference is found in their philosophy. Just like the brands above, they want everyone to be comfortable and have fun. When the product assortment leads with lifestyle items, we quickly realize how much golf fashion is changing.
That’s the biggest key when it comes to clothing in 2022 guys. Start enjoying everything you wear. Embrace your inner self and wear what makes you feel good. It doesn’t matter if it’s crazy or conservative if you like it… go with it. Golf’s popularity has introduced so many new ideas into the game. Not just from the consumer side, but from the creative side as well. With more people playing, there’s bound to be more perspectives.
What to wear Wednesday was a concept designed to open your closet, not constrict it. Take a moment this week and visit a booth or website of one of these companies that were highlighted today. Embrace their story and compare it to yours. After all, we’re all golfers and making that connection is the most special aspect of our great game.