Golf's Best Valentine's Day Posts for 2020
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It's Valentine's Day, and that means a timeline full of people expressing their incredible love for their true significant other, Golf. The European TOUR was up early (... because they're always up early) with three creative Valentine's Day posts. Check out all three and determine which you love the most & then surf down to some other fun posts from today!
The flashy video... (that so many of us would love to be able to do!)
Or the Malbon Golf esque graphic...
Wow, Henrik looks young!
Or maybe you're looking for a bit of Valentine's Day humor?
A little love from Ryder Cup Europe?
Or Maybe it's a bit of love from Ryder Cup USA. . .
A little more Valentine's Day humor from GolfNow. . .
Golf Digest loving some tunes with its hearts. . .
FootJoy with some pretty innovative Valentine's Day branding...
Ping bringing home the flowers. . .
PGA Championship bringing home a little poetry. . . (you get your tickets yet?!)
Gotta love Linksoul
Loving big views!
How about the simple love of a beautiful golf course with very few likes?
Looks like that publisher could use some new friends on Instagram!