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Stay Centered and Balanced with this Drill from PGA Coach Cathy Kim

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If you're a golfer that has a hard time staying centered in the golf swing, PGA Coach Cathy Kim has a great drill for you.
Some golfers tend to move their head from side to side or shift their weight too much in the swing. It typically means the weight is rolling in their feet.
If you struggle with this problem, try going to the opposite end of the spectrum and taking some swings with your feet together. Hitting some shots on the range with your shoes side-by-side will help you feel the way your body moves and eliminate the sway in your swing. Ultimately, the drill will help teach your body to move and rotate properly without losing your balance.
Once you've centered and balanced your golf swing, you can attack your tempo with another great tip from Kim.
If you're looking for a golf coach to help take your game to the next level, PGA.com/Coach is a great place to start.
Cathy Kim

Baltimore, MD

Cathy Kim


PGA/LPGA instructor based out of Baltimore, MD I offer in-person and zoom individual lessons, group classes and club fittings.