
Week in Review: Highlights from the 2022 PGA Show

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Now that the dust has begun to settle on the 2022 PGA Show, we'd like to take a second to look back at what made the week in Orlando so special.
From demo day to finally hitting the floor at Orange County Convention Center, the gathering of the golf industry's best will be one to remember for a long time.
Here are some highlights from the week:
Learning the importance of the proper fit at Demo Day
Polishing your look on the course
Real-Time Coaching Lessons
Footwear for life on and off the course
Belts to customize your look
Quick rides to get around on the course
Unique training solutions for your next lesson
Gym equipment that is built for enhancing golf performance
A swing aid to get you in shape
Technology that helps you reach your highest potential
A variety of new inventions to set your game up for success
Including a vacuum for any trouble you may run into
And a program built for junior golf success
The 2022 PGA Show was one for the books!