Coach Portrait

Jake Seabaugh

Teaching Professional


PGA Crest

Cape Girardeau, MO
The TeeHouse Complex, Cape Girardeau, MO

About Jacob

I grew up in Cape Girardeau, MO and started playing golf at the age of 11. I played all four years at Notre Dame Regional High School, from there I played two years at Mineral Area Community College, and then two years at Missouri Valley College. After college I moved to Port St. Lucie, Florida where I worked at the PGA Learning Center and entered into the PGA Associate Program. In 2019 I moved back to Cape and began working at the Cape Girardeau Country Club as the golf professional. I also began teaching part time at The TeeHouse Complex. In early 2022 I transitioned into teaching full time. I'm a member of the Gateway PGA Section and a level 2 PGA Associate actively working towards full membership. I still have a passion for playing tournament golf and play in Gateway PGA Section events.

My goal as an instructor is first and foremost for my students to have an understanding of impact. I firmly believe to improve we need to have a good concept of what influences ball flight. Once we understand impact we can start working towards building a motion that enhances your ball flight. During lessons I use video, mirrors, Flightscope Mevo+, and various drills/training aids.


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Jacob's Experience

Helping players achieve their goals.

Getting Started

Learn the basics

Get comfortable for business golf

Avoid embarrassment on the first tee

Having More Fun

Have more fun on the course

Connect with golfers of similar skill

Improving Your Game

Break 100

Break 90

Break 80

Add 10 yards

Improve your Short Game

Prepare for Tournament Golf

Make the high school golf team

Earn a college golf scholarship

Students & Lessons

Coaching Services

Player Type







Session Type



Jacob's Facilities

The TeeHouse Complex

Cape Girardeau MO

*Coaching available to public

2901 Hawthorne Rd, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Begin Your Journey

Work with Jacob